Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Learning from Emily Dickinson After 9/11

The Boston Review has an extensive story rereading Dickinson's poetry after 9/11.

From the story...

One thinks of the failure of representation since 9/11, the proliferation of novels, the media glut, the surfeit of images that somehow slide too easily into a banal repertoire, commodified shock. Here Dickinson’s ceaseless instinct for negation, distinction, refinement, annihilation, seems wholly relevant, when things are

most like Chaos—Stopless—cool—
Without a Chance, or Spar—
Or even a Report of Land—
To justify—Despair.

Her lines can seem uncannily, New Englandly, to anticipate some of the more controversial responses to 9/11. For example, Karlheinz Stockhausen’s infamous (and, when read in full, complex) meditation on the destruction of that day as infernal art, aesthetic cataclysm:

’Tis so appalling—it exhilarates—
So over Horror, it half Captivates—

Or Susan Sontag’s dissenting remarks published in The New Yorker, Sept. 24, 2001—

The disconnect between last Tuesday’s monstrous dose of reality and the self-righteous drivel and outright deceptions being peddled by public figures and TV commentators is startling, depressing. The voices licensed to follow the event seem to have joined together in a campaign to infantilize the public. Where is the acknowledgement that this was not a “cowardly” attack on “civilization” or “liberty” or “humanity” or “the free world” but an attack on the world’s self-proclaimed super-power, undertaken as a consequence of specific American alliances and actions?

—remarks that launched—as Faludi reminds us—an ecstasy of righteous denunciation. Per Dickinson:

Assent—and you are sane—
Demur—you’re straightaway dangerous—
And handled with a Chain—

So, too, the politics of memorializing Ground Zero might be chastened by Dickinson’s astringency:

After a hundred years
Nobody knows the Place
Agony enacted there
Motionless as Peace

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