Sunday, April 26, 2009

Printers' Devices

On the University of Barcelona website, via Philobiblos, is a wide-ranging (and fun to browse through) collection of printers' devices.

From the introduction to the site:

The database Printers' Devices of the Ancient Book Section of the Library of the University of Barcelona, was launched in October of 1998.

The working methodology used is directly tied to the cataloguing process of ancient books, approaching the printers in parallel to the elaboration of the bibliographic records. In this way, the printers’ authority records incorporated to the catalogue, are made available to the public thorough the database Printers' Devices, together with the corresponding image or images.

Given this approach to the input process, the criteria of inclusion of the different entries are neither chronological nor geographical. And so, the database covers from the XVI to the XVIII century, and geographically from all around Europe but mostly from Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, Germany and Low Countries, reflecting the collection’s own personality.

Pictured above: Giovanni Antonio degli Antoni's printer's device, circa 1575.

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