Monday, November 01, 2010

Authors: Why Aren't You Getting Noticed on Facebook?

Amy Potterfield, for the Huffington Post, offers some ways to get more notice on social media.

From the piece...

Arielle: Those experiences sound like a fantastic way to stand out on Facebook and also give great value to your fans in the process. I can see how authors can really carve out their own space on Facebook by using this strategy. For authors interested in creating a signature experience, do you have any tips to help them get started?

Amy: Yes, I have 3 great tips to share:

1. Be consistent and do them regularly. This will keep your fans coming back for more.
2. Make these experiences unique to your brand and also of great value to your fans.
3. Keep them simple. If you add too many bells and whistles, you might make the experience too complicated and lose your audience.

Overall, signature experiences are so valuable because you are increasing your viral visibility and strengthening your relationships with the people who matter most. After all, that's what Facebook is all about!

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