Friday, July 20, 2007

What I'm Writing, What's I'm Researching

With my wife in Tahiti and my pre-school daughter wanting me to constantly "dance like a goofball." writing and research have been moved to the back burner for a bit. That's not to say, however, that I'm not thinking about future projects or throwing out queries to various publications in hopes of getting a bite or two.

After some discussion with Canoe and Kayak Magazine, I learned that my humorous story of me and my brother's infamous "Kayaking Incident" (as it's called in the Shipley house) will be published in the December issue.

After some discussion with Coffee House Digest, I'm going to do a book review on Liz Moore's novel "The Words of Every Song" for their November/December issue. Moore, a singer/songwriter, has written her first novel - fourteen linked episodes, each centered on a character involved in the music industry in some way.

After some discussion with Swindle Magazine, I'm starting to hit at, in earnest, researching a story about the colonization of Mars and those (the Mars Society among them) that are striving towards that goal of having humans live on Mars.

What else may come to fruition, in regards to publication, while I stay at home and play Memory in the living room for the millionth time with my daughter? I can't say, though I welcome it; my daughter's just killing me at Memory.

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