Friday, June 15, 2012

Collecting Antiquarian Gardening Books

AbeBooks takes a look at the colorful bouquet of gardening books one can collect.

From the piece...

The sun is out (hopefully) and gardeners (at least in the Northern Hemisphere) have put away their winter reading and picked up a shovel. A bookshelf filled with gardening books is almost an essential requirement for anyone serious about petunias or potatoes, and gardeners have a wealth of literature to choose from.

Modern garden design dates to the 18th century, when Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown (designer of Kew Gardens) and his early 19th century successor, Humphry Repton, introduced a more relaxed and natural style to the formal English garden. In the United States, Frederick Law Olmsted was the greatest influence with his design for New York City’s Central Park.

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