Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Not Just Spice on His Shelves

Celebrity Jose Andres collects cookbooks. They're awesome.

From a piece in the New York Times...

“Books, for me, this is a way of learning,” Mr. Andrés, 43, said as he circled the table. “This is my college education. The history of cooking is my passion, and cooking is my passion.” 

Add those books residing in his office in Washington — 300 to 400 more — and in “boxes and boxes” still packed away, and the total is roughly 1,500. Mr. Andrés, who was born in Catalonia, Spain, has no time to catalog his remarkable collection, because in addition to operating 12 restaurants, he has embarked on a crusade to elevate Americans’ eating habits. 

His eclectic library includes an 1825 first edition of Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin’s “Physiology of Taste”; a rents and receipts notepad from 1795 that belonged to Honoré Julien, Thomas Jefferson’s chef; and Japanese comic books that relate the history of Japanese cooking. Add to these a 1931 first edition of Irma Rombauer’s “Joy of Cooking”; an 1851 edition of “The Virginia Housewife,” written by Mary Randolph in 1824; and the first cookbook Mr. Andrés ever bought, “The Cuisine of Frédy Girardet,” from one of the celebrated masters of nouvelle cuisine.

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