Friday, October 01, 2010

What Celebrity-Penned Children's Books Tell Us About Their Authors

Notes, care of New York Magazine.

From the piece...

If Roast Beef Could Fly by Jay Leno

Synopsis: After helping his dad build a new rotisserie for a big family dinner, little Jay Leno wants really badly to taste the roasting meat, but his mom won’t let him and he’s too short to reach it, so he pulls out his plastic comb and uses it to taste the meat drippings, but then on his fourth pass, the comb gets stuck and melts into the roast beef and his dad can’t cut the meat so he throws it out the window and the dog catches it and the whole anecdote just keeps going on and on and on ...

Excerpt: Dad picks up the roast beef like a football and throws it out the window. Everybody is just standing there, mouths open, stunned … or maybe just hungry.

What it says about the author: Jay Leno’s habit of taking things that aren’t his and ruining them for everybody else began earlier than we thought.

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