Sunday, January 01, 2012

25 Literary Resolutions for the New Year

What are yours?

From a piece in the Los Angeles Times...

Ben Greenman, author of the short story collection "What He's Poised to Do": I want to reread all the Emily Dickinson poems, in order, at a slow enough rate that I understand them but a fast enough rate to keep it exciting. It's not as easy at it sounds. And I also plan to think about why, in a time of reduced attention spans, short stories aren't getting more traction.

Mark Haskell Smith, author of the 2012 nonfiction book "Heart of Dankness: Underground Botanists, Outlaw Farmers, and the Race to the Cannibas Cup" (Broadway): For 2012 I owe my editor a novel, so I'll be working on that.

Patrick deWitt, author of the novel "The Sisters Brothers," a 2011 Booker Prize finalist: My resolution is to further distance myself from the internet, and to use the time I would have spent re-re-rewatching that "screwing/puking dogs" GIF reading and writing.

Rob Spillman, editor of the literary magazine Tin House: Since I read contemporary work constantly for work, my resolution is to continue my recent streak of reading great older work that I missed or glossed over in my youth. I'm about to finish "House of Mirth," which I can't believe I never read before. Next up is "Moby-Dick," which I half-read when I was twenty. On the horizon Waugh and more Wharton.

Janelle Brown, author of the novel "This is Where We Live": Write a rough draft of a new novel. No pressure.

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