Saturday, January 08, 2011

The Self-Publishing Tipping Point

Have we reached the point where self-publishing is better than getting a book deal?

From a piece on Tech Dirt...

Of course, there are some implicit assumptions that Konrath makes that I'm not really sure apply across the board. He seems to assume that it's easy to sell 1,000 ebooks per month (which is the basis for his calculations). If you have an audience already, that's possible, but if you don't, it's a lot harder. A publisher can really help an unknown author with marketing, and that's certainly not something that should be diminished. Now, obviously, that doesn't mean everyone has to do it that way. There are certainly other ways. Some authors may be naturally good marketers themselves, or they can outsource the function to someone else, at a lower "cost." Separately, while Konrath notes at the top of his post that in the past he hated self-published books because the quality was almost always low, he doesn't seem to mention that again. The editing process can be pretty important (though, again, there may be other options there).

So I think the real point of his post is that self-publishing can be right for a certain segment -- but others may still want to go the traditional route (but certainly with open eyes).

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