Monday, April 11, 2011

Reading Boosts Mental Health in Teens

So says a recent study.

From a piece in the Independent...

Announced April 4, the US study compared six types of media - television and movies, music, video games, internet, magazines and newspapers, and books - and reported that the music-loving teens were 8.3 times more likely to be depressed that teens who spent the most time using the other types of media. The book lovers, on the other hand, were far less likely to be depressed than all the other groups, researchers said.

The study isn't clear as to whether or not music leads to depression, or if depressed teens are more likely to listen to music to escape, or both.

1 comment:

Carolin Newmeyer said...

Yes, I think this is so because reading challenges one's mental caliber. Also, this is the cheapest way to travel. No wonder a lot of people from all walks life get pleasure from reading.