Friday, February 03, 2012

E-Books vs. Print Books - Stop Already!

NPR wants the debates to cease.

From the post...

There's really no need for a discussion about the technology any longer. Readers like the Kindle and Nook are great. They work. They're cheap. You can put a lifetime's worth of books on one — including a ton of public domain classics for a buck or less each. You can cobble together a virtual classics bookshelf for less than the cost of a round of drinks. Amazing.

Of course e-books aren't perfect. I am a scribbler, and you cannot scribble in the margins of an ebook. Not all books are available in digital editions (Martin Amis' Money, for instance, and most of Saul Bellow). E-books do not allow you to advertise your literary affectedness on the subway. And then there's the matter of all those barren bookshelves, in your home and at the soon-to-be-closed local independent bookseller.

Here's the thing: you don't have to be a print book person or an e-book person. It's not an either/or proposition. You can choose to have your text delivered on paper with a pretty cover, or you can choose to have it delivered over the air to your sleek little device. You can even play it way loose and read in both formats! Crazy, right? To have choice.


Unknown said...

I love this. Mainly because I use both.

Jonathan S. said...

Me, too. I was hesitant with the Kindle for quite awhile but, hey, the act of reading is more important than what I read it on, yes?

Unknown said...

I also love both... it's not very important for me the way I read a book as long I enjoying it.
I'm really a bookworm and I have a very big collection of great titles... it's my passion having a diversified library.
But I also read eBooks which I have them from All you can books... a site with hundreds if not thousands of great books.