Friday, March 09, 2012

Michael Chabon Attacks Prejudice Against Science Fiction

As he should!

From a story in Wired...

He eventually found his courage, even submitting a piece of Lovecraftian horror to the normally staid and respectable New Yorker. They bought the story (and many more thereafter).

Chabon takes inspiration from 19th-century masters such as Charles Dickens, whose work combined social realism with crime fiction, ghost stories, and anything else that struck their fancy.

“The reasons why it changed are bad reasons,” he says. “They’re economic and financial and marketing reasons, and they have to do with snobbery and academic laziness.”

Still, he does see signs that things are improving.

“You look at the most recent novels by Colson Whitehead, Gary Shteyngart, Rick Moody, Cormac McCarthy. There’s almost been a little floodlet of so-called ‘literary’ writers either embracing or circling around clear literary genres.”

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