Online Masters highlights those comic books that can be used as teaching tools in the classroom for kids young and old.
From the list...
35.) Owly
Writer/Artist: Andy Runton
The largely textless adventures of the sweet, friendly Owly work as excellent storytelling conduits for young, imaginative children. A few teachers have been known to test their students’ creativity by having them come up with dialogue all on their own.
36.) The Yellow Jar
Writer/Artist: Patrick Atangan
Educators may love the idea of incorporating The Yellow Jar into their lessons, as they open up “Western” children to many traditional Japanese folktales that would otherwise remain unknown or obscured.
37.) Robot Dreams
Writer/Artist: Sara Varon
Sara Varon illustrates a bittersweet story of a robot and its deep friendship with a dog, silently, realistically exploring themes of human interaction and the waxing and waning of interpersonal connections.
38.) All Star Superman
Writer: Grant Morrison
Artist: Frank Quietly
Even students who do not read superhero comics still know of Superman and his origins, and Grant Morrison’s exploration of his life, times and adventures stands as essential, entertaining and wholly humanizing. A pleasant surprise considering the invulnerable alien at its center.
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