Friday, August 06, 2010

The Kama Sutra. Now in Audio

'Tis true. For the first time in the book's 1,600 year history you can listen to the book.

From the piece in the Book Bench...

"Too shy to read the Kama Sutra on the train during rush hour? Just take out your headphones," Reuters helpfully suggests. While it's true that listening to a book is even sneakier than reading one on a Kindle, I'd be afraid that my face would give me away. If everyone can see the cover of your Kama Sutra, everyone knows what you're up to—for better or worse. If you're listening to the Kama Sutra, you've got a secret. Suppose you smirk or blush at the wrong moment? What will your fellow passengers think then? Ah, the seeds of paranoia are planted.

It also occurs to me that in many parts of the world, people do not take trains or buses to work. They drive. Listening to the Kama Sutra on a car stereo invites all kinds of potential peril.

And, if you have a Snuggie (who doesn't?!?!) and are in love, don't forget Snuggie Sutra.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Thanks for sharing! One of us is using this audio version as we explore the kama sutra on